OPē Labs – Nanophotonics

Ope Labs Nanophotonics

Project Description

Centric3 is assisting OPē Labs with OPē1 – OPē1 is an encrypted cloud storage device that offers the next level of data security, protecting against current and future threats through three layers of encryption.

Layer 1 – Digital Unclonability

At the core of OPē1 is our Digitally Unclonable Optical Data Scrambler (DUODS). Its unique feature of digital unclonability ensures that hackers cannot decrypt data without access to a matching DUODS device.

Layer 2 – Post Quantum Cryptography 

To protect against the imminent quantum computer threat, OPē1 offers a layer of Post- Quantum Cryptography (PQC).

Layer 3 – Conservative Encryption

On top of the other two layers, OPē1 comes with a robust layer of FIPS-conform digital cryptography, providing a foundational encryption baseline and simplifying compliance.